Prima Facie Discrimination

"Mental Health and Stigma - How Best to Protect Workers From Discrimination", 34 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1

Official Abstract: "The focus of this article is mental health and workplace disability discrimination in the UK. The article will look at a number of ways that disability discrimination in the UK could be developed to the advantage of people with mental health problems, through an examination of the legislation and through case analysis.The issues that are raised by disability discrimination on the ground of mental health are pertinent to all legal systems that have enacted laws to try and protect people suffering from disability discrimination.

"Defending the Human Rights Codes from the Charter" 9 Journal of Law & Equality 1

The article distinguishes between how discrimination is determined under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Charter of Rights. An extensive discussion of the distinctions between prima facia discrimination under the codes and discrimination in a substantive sense under the Charter and the different thresholds of proof required by the claimant under each statue. Defines systemic discrimination under human rights codes.

"Tackling Disability Discrimination at Work: Towards a Systemic Approach", 4:1 McGill JL & Health 17

Advocates for a systemic approach to anti-discrimination law and reviews the factors considered when anticipating the need for individualized accommodation; reiterates that prima facie case of discrimination should be distinct from assessments of a bona fide occupational requirement. 

"Prima Facia Discrimination: Is Tranchemontagne Consistent with the Supreme Court of Canada's Human Rights Code Jurisprudence?" 9 Journal of Law & Equality 33

Argues that the decision in Tranchemontagne to import a substantive test at the prima facia stage, into human rights tribunal cases, shifts the burden onto the claimant to prove that the rule was substantively discriminatory and is inconsistent with previous Supreme Court of Canada decisions. 

"Random Alcohol and Drug Testing as a Complex Human Rights Issue", Law Now - Columns

Commentary on SCC case Communications, Energy and Paperworks Union of Canada Local 30 v Irving Pulp and Paper Mill, 2013 SCC 34, and compares ratio to provide an analysis on the then ongoing litigation issues in Alberta Communications, Energy and Paperworks Union Local 707 v Suncor Energy Inc, 2012 ABCA 307; union vs. non-unionized setting on pre-employment drug test and the line of addiction as deciding factor.

"Conceptual Challenges in the Application of Discrimination Law in the Workplace" 3 Can J Hum Rts 75

The article discusses the conceptual challange that addiction and mental health pose in being not immutable, pose for establishing prima facia discrimination and how courts/adjudicators have dealt with it. The article addresses the test to determine indirect discrimination and the need to include indirect discrimination to achieve substantive equality. 
