Disability and Work in Canada 2021 Virtual Conference:
Achieving equality of opportunity and choice in careers, jobs and work 


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Achieving equality of opportunity and choice in careers, jobs and work 

Virtual Conference – December 1 & 2 and 6 & 7, 2021

The Disability and Work in Canada 2021 (DWC 2021) Conference was held virtually this year over four days in early December (December 1 & 2 and December 6 & 7) from 12:15 to 3:30 EDT. The theme for this year’s conference was the “Achieving equality of opportunity and choice in careers, jobs and work,” with subthemes for each day as follows:

  • Wednesday December 1, 2021, at 12:15 to 3:30 EDT – Fully including persons with disabilities in the COVID19 recovery
  • Thursday December 2, 2021, at 12:15 to 3:30 EDT – Making inclusive workplaces a reality
  • Monday December 6, 2021, at 12:15 to 3:30 EDT – Ensuring secure and comprehensive supports for persons with disabilities
  • Tuesday December 7, 2021, at 12:15 to 3:30 EDT – Moving forward together towards full inclusion in employment

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Because of COVID…


Description: Because of COVID… represents the new barriers persons with disabilities are now facing, because of COVID. Discover the stories of real people who are working t the changes and adapting to the new realities of the pandemic in the workplace.

Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




DMD Panel


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Dolphin Disabilities Mentoring Day


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Dolphin Nielsen


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Dolphin TTC


Tags: Accommodation, Career advancement, Hiring




Vignette by Colin. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Donna & Marcia Marcaccio. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Holly Mastrogiacomo. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Ingrid Palmer. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Kelly Johnson. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Mike. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by MJ. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Rachel Boutin. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Samuel Benamron. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring




Vignette by Zaman. CASE - Profiles of Employment Success


Tags: Accommodation, Disability-confident workplace, Hiring



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DWC Partner Organizations: CCRW logo, ONIWG logo, and CRWDP logo