CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work, and Health Speaker Series: "International Best Practice Guidelines in Return to Work"
27 May 2015
CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work, and Health Speaker Series:
"International Best Practice Guidelines in Return to Work"
Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Rehabilitation Sciences Building,
500 University Ave, Rm. 132
Wolfgang Zimmermann:
- Executive Director, National Institution of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR);
- President, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS)
Mr. Zimmermann is currently the Executive Director of NIDMAR, which is an internationally recognized not-for-profit organization committed to reducing the human, social, and economic costs of disability with the primary focus of implementation of workplace-based reintegration programs. Mr. Zimmermann is also President of the PCU-WHS, a statutory not-for-profit degree granting education and research institution for the special purpose of creating and disseminating new knowledge in the fields of workplace safety, health promotion, return to work and disability management, comprehensive rehabilitation, and disability leadership studies. Mr. Zimmermann has held a range of diverse appointments bridging the private and public sector disability management advocacy arenas, and has been awarded numerous awards in recognition for his work on disability prevention and rehabilitation.
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Sponsored by a CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work, and Health held by Dr. A. Colantonio, and the Rehabilitation Science Graduate Student Union
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