Regroupement des activistes pour l'inclusion au Québec (RAPLIQ)

We are committed to fight discrimination based on disAbility and other forms of oppression.
The Regroupement des activistes pour l’inclusion au Québec (RAPLIQ), an organization that advocates for the defense of the rights of people with disabilities, was founded in December 2009. It leads the fight to eradicate all forms of discrimination experienced on a regular basis and it promotes full inclusion.
We can:
- actively support you in your demands and procedures with public services and resources.
- assist you in writing complaints to the Commission of Human Rights and Youth Rights.
- better inform you about the discrimination towards people with disabilities, so that we can fight it more effectively!
Why we joined the CRWDP:
“As a partner in this initiative, RAPLIQ hopes to help identify and reduce obstacles to the labour-market engagement of people with disabilities. This project will provide an excellent forum for partners and researchers to work together to re-envision work disability policy, income security and work reintegration in Canada.”
Contact Information
CRWDP Contact:Melanie Benard
CRWDP Contact Email: