forms of accommodation
"Mental Health and Stigma - How Best to Protect Workers From Discrimination", 34 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1
Official Abstract: "The focus of this article is mental health and workplace disability discrimination in the UK. The article will look at a number of ways that disability discrimination in the UK could be developed to the advantage of people with mental health problems, through an examination of the legislation and through case analysis.The issues that are raised by disability discrimination on the ground of mental health are pertinent to all legal systems that have enacted laws to try and protect people suffering from disability discrimination.
"Invisible Barriers: Accommodating Mental Illness in the Workplace", Industrial Relations Centre (Queen's University)
An overview of mental illness and episodic disabilities in the workplace; review of employer responsibility to accommodate, privacy issues and medical disclosure; interesting case-law principles summarized.
"Accommodating Workplace Stress, Mental Disability, and Other Invisible Disabilities", as Tab 6A of The Law Society of Upper Canada's Continuing Professional Development conference on December 8, 2016 titled 5th Annual Human Rights Summit
Differentiates 'stress' in a workplace context, outlines accommodations for stress, non-evident disabilities; how do identify stress; employer's perspective and appropriate measures; union involvement; application of 'Holmes-Rahe' Life Stress Inventory.
"Mental Illness and Addiction: Workplace Challenges" as part of Hamilton Law Association's 8th Annual Emerging Issues in Employment Law Seminar
Seminar paper discussing an employer's role when addressing mental illness and addiction in the workplace; impact of changes to Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act; procedural duty, disclosure, accommodation.
Epilepsy and the law: What are the legal rights of a person with epilepsy? (Epilepsy Ontario: Thornhill)
Provides guide and overview of discrimination and accommodations for persons with epilepsy in the workplace, among other daily life advices; addressing legal issues faced by persons with epilepsy.
"An Examination of the Duty to Accommodate in the Canadian Human Rights Context" Background Paper on behalf of the Parliamentary Information and Research Service (Library of Parliament, Canada)
Background paper for the Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Legal and Legislative Affairs Division - discusses the duty to accommodate (legslative framework, judicial interpretations) as well as grounds of discrimination (disability, religion, gender or sex, family status).
"Reasonable Accommodation As Equal Opportunity in Canadian Employment Law. Reasonable Accommodation in the Modern Workplace Potential and Limits of the Integrative Logics of Labour Law ". 93 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 47.
A reflection of what Canadian legal institutions still need to work on when providing guidance on what employers need to do to establish equal opportunities; anti-discrimination law as it stands are primarly reactive and thus not uniform in providing appropriate accommodations in the Canadian workforce.
"Ending Mandatory Retirement: Reassessment", 35 Windsor Rev Legal & Social Issues 22 (Special Topic: Aging)
Review of recent legislated changes on mandatory retirement in Canada; advocates a holistic approach to regulation of a worker's older age in order to best promote the right to age equality for senior workers, balancing this with the rights of employers and society overall.