Cameron Crawford
Student Fellow (2013-2015); Post-Doctoral Fellow

Cameron has chosen to work with CRWDP because it is an ambitious, comprehensive initiative that brings together many of the country’s most knowledgeable people on issues of employment, disability and public policy. He sees the CRWDP as providing important opportunities for knowledgeable people to help improve the employment trajectories of people with disabilities at a time when the employment ‘system’ around disability in Canada is undergoing significant pressure and change.
Research Activities
- Current Director of Research, Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS)
- Member, Technical Advisory Group (comprising representatives of Employment and Social Development Canada, Statistics Canada and major national disability organizations)
- Past researcher, Disability Rights Promotion International at York University
- Theme Leader, Poverty and Exclusion (demographics team), University of Victoria and Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CURA)
- Past-President, The Roeher Institute, Toronto (based at York University)
- Sessional instructor at Ryerson University and previous sessional instructor at York University
- PhD Candidate, York University
- Graduate, Professional Development Program, Simon Fraser University
- BA, Simon Fraser University
Areas of interest and expertise
- Disability issues in the context of public policy, human rights and social inclusion
- Research on employment, education, social services, income security and violence
Recent Relevant Publications/Reports/Presentations:
(2012). Towards an Understanding of Effective Practices in Employment Programs for People with Disabilities in Canada. Toronto: Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS).
Crawford, C. (2012). Indicators for Monitoring the Situation of People with Disabilities – Final Report. Toronto: Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS).
Hole, R., Stainton, T., Robinson, C., Crawford, C., & Lige, S. (2012). Home sharing: A study of resident and stakeholder views. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56 (7-8), 781.
Crawford, C. (2011). Employment and Intellectual Disability in Canada: A Statistical Profile. Toronto: Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS).
Crawford, C. (2011). Youth with Disabilities in Transition from School to Work or Post-Secondary Education and Training: A Review of the Literature in the United States and United Kingdom. Toronto: Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS).
Parekh, G., Killoran, I., and Crawford, C. (2011). The Toronto connection: poverty, perceived ability, and access to education equity. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(3), 249-279.
Stainton, T., Brown, J., Crawford, C., Hole, R., & Charles, G. (2011). Comparison of community residential supports on measures of information & planning; access to & delivery of supports; choice & control; community connections; satisfaction; and, overall perception of outcomes. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55(8):732-745.
Crawford, C. (2010). “Disabling Poverty & Enabling Citizenship: Understanding the Poverty and Exclusion of Canadians with Disabilities”. Winnipeg: Council of Canadians with Disabilities. Available at
Crawford, C. (2009). “Inclusive Education for Students with Developmental Disabilities: The General Situation and Implications for Advocacy”, In J. Lupart, (Ed.), The Challenges of Student Diversity in Canadian Schools: Essays on Building a Better Future for Exceptional Children. Markham, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.
Crawford, C. (2009). Inclusive Education: Considerations for Policy and Systems Development”, in Crossing Boundaries, Sharing Ideas: Inclusive Education, (Eds.) M. Alur and V. Timmons, Sage, pp. 49-67.
Selected Presentations
Crawford, C. (2012). “The Employment Situation of Youth with Learning Difficulties and Significant Other Disabilities” for the Canadian Association for Community Living’s 2012 Federal Policy Forum: “Advancing Employment of People with Intellectual Disabilities”, November, Ottawa.
Crawford, C. (2012). “What Works? Effective Practices in Employment Programs for People with Disabilities in Canada”, for the Conference Board of Canada’s Council on Inclusive Work Environments, November, Toronto.
Crawford, C. (2012). Statistical presentation for “Beyond the Requirements, Achieving the JOIN Platinum Seal of Approval”, for the Ontario Job Opportunity Information Network’s 9th Annual Employer Conference, November, Toronto.
Crawford, C. (2012). “Patterns in the Employment of Canadians with Disabilities”, for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada’s Knowledge Talk, January, Ottawa.
Crawford, C. (2011). “Researching Relevant Policy Issues on Disability”, for the Technical Advisory Group on the new disability data strategy (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Statistics Canada, Council of Canadians with Disabilities), March, Ottawa
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