Série de webinaires
Norme sur le système de gestion de l'invalidité au travail (CSA Z1011:20)
The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP), Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance (CISWP), and Canadian Standards Associations (CSA Group) have partnered together to present a webinar series on the Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20).
Register in advance for these free webinars below.
Partners: Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP), Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance (CISWP), and Canadian Standards Associations (CSA Group)
Accessibility: Captioning, Sign Language and French-English Interpretation will be made available upon request. Please send your request at least three business days in advance to: simam@iwh.on.ca (for webinars hosted by CRWDP) or pmatos@conestogac.on.ca (for webinars hosted by CISWP).
Webinar 1: Formal Launch of the Work Disability Management System (WDMS) Standard CSA Z1011
Date/Time: Monday, September 14th, 2020 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Introduction, Welcome and Opening Remarks: Dr. Amin Yazdani (CISWP)
- Standard Development Process: Candace Sellar (CSA)
- Overview of the Work Disability Work Disability Management System Standard: Drs. Amin Yazdani (CISWP), Emile Tompa (CRWDP), David Brown (CIBC)
- Q-A session
- Drs. Amin Yazdani (CISWP)
- David Brown (CIBC)
- Emile Tompa (CRWDP)
Closing remark and announcing the next webinar:
Amin Yazdani (CISWP)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 1. PDF copy of Webinar 1 presentation slides.
Webinar 2: Conversations on Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
Date/Time: Monday, October 5th, 2020 @ 12:00 - 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction and Welcome: Dr. Emile Tompa (CRWDP)
- Welcome from CSA Representative and Standards Overview: Candace Sellar (CSA)
- High-level summary of the Standard (CSA Z1011:20, Work disability management system): Dr. Emile Tompa (CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Mental Health in the Workplace
- Q-A session: Moderated by Lina Lopez (CSA)
- Dr. David Brown (CIBC)
- Andrew Harkness (WSPS)
- Drew Sousa (OOHNA)
- Terri Szymanski (OPS Employee Union)
Closing remark and announcing the next webinar:
Dr. Emile Tompa (CRWDP)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 2. PDF copy of Webinar 2 presentation slides.
Webinar 3: Continued Conversations on Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
Date/Time: Monday, October 19th, 2020 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Evidence Supporting the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion: Mental Health in the Workplace
- Alec Farquhar: Chair, Engagement, Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy Steering Committee, Disability and Work Canada
- Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
- Dr. Georgia Pomaki: Leader, Mental Health Specialists; Wellness, Disability & Life
- Drew Sousa: Executive Director, Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 3. PDF copy of Webinar 3 presentation slides.
Webinar 4: Conversations on the Employer Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, November 9th, 2020 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion: Implication for Employers
- Dr. Tyler Amell: Adjunct Faculty, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences
- Michael MacDonald: Manager, Health Services, Jazz Aviation
- Dr. David Brown: Medical Director, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Drew Sousa: Executive Director, Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 4. PDF copy of Webinar 4 presentation slides.
Webinar 5: Conversations on the Implications for Persons with Disabilities
Date/Time: Monday, December 7th, 2020 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion: Implications for Persons with Disabilities
- Sari Sairanen: Director of Health, Safety and Environment at UNIFOR
- Maureen Haan: President & CEO at the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
- Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 5. PDF copy of Webinar 5 presentation slides.
Webinar 6: Continued Conversations on the Implications for Persons with Disabilities
Date/Time: Monday, January 11th, 2021 @ 12:00 - 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Making it Work for Persons with Disabilities
- Q-A Session
- Dr. Pamela Lahey: Research Advisor, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
- Joseph Giulione: Director, L’Arrimage, Servide d’aide à l’emploi, Quebec
Tom McKenna: National Representative, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) (BC Regional Office)
Moderators: Dr. Emile Tompa, Director (CRWDP) and Lina Lopez, Project Manager (CSA Group)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 6. PDF copy of Webinar 6 presentation slides.
Webinar 7: Conversations on the Insurance Providers Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, January 25th, 2021 @12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion: Insurance Providers Perspectives
- Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
- Shawn Wakley: Manager, Training and Development, National Disability Best Practices Team, Manulife
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 7. PDF copy of Webinar 7 presentation slides.
Webinar 8: Continued Conversations on the Employer Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, February 8th, 2021 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Employer Perspective
- Q-A Session
- Dr. David Brown: Medical Director, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
- Michael MacDonald: Manager, Health Services, Jazz Aviation
- Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
- Joe Baiardo: Manager, Paralegal Disability Management Services, Canada Life
Moderators: Dr. Emile Tompa, Director (CRWDP) and Lina Lopez, Project Manager (CSA Group)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 8. PDF copy of Webinar 8 presentation slides.
Webinar 9: Conversations on the Role of Healthcare and Disability Management Service
Date/Time: Monday, February 22nd, 2021 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Review of Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion
- Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
- Dr. Donna Bain: CEO of Donna Bain & Associates Inc.
- Drew Sousa: Executive Director, Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 9. PDF copy of Webinar 9 presentation slides.
Webinar 10: Continued Conversations on the Insurance Provider's Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, March 8th, 2021 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Insurance Provider Perspectives
- Q-A Session
- Joe Baiardo: Manager, Paralegal Disability Management Services, Canada Life
- Vincent Russell: Director, Employer RTW Programs, WorkSafe BC
Moderators: Dr. Emile Tompa, Director (CRWDP) and Lina Lopez, Project Manager (CSA Group)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 10. PDF copy of Webinar 10 presentation slides.
Webinar 11: Conversations on the Labour Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, March 22nd, 2021 @ 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CIWSP, Conestoga College
- Opening Remarks (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Amin Yazdani, Director, CISWP)
- Panel Discussion: Labour Perspective
- Tom McKenna: BC Regional Office, Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Dr. David Brown, Medical Director, CIBC
- Alec Farquhar: Former Office of the Worker Advisor, Ontario's Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 11. PDF copy of Webinar 11 presentation slides.
Webinar 12: Continued Conversations on the Role of Healthcare and Disability Management Service
Date/Time: Monday, April 26th, 2021 @ 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Standard Development Process (Candace Sellar, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Service Providers Perspectives
- Alec Farquhar: Chair, Engagement, Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy Steering Committee, Disability and Work Canada
- Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia: Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
- Drew Sousa: Executive Director, Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association
Moderator: Dr. Emile Tompa: Director, Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 12. PDF copy of Webinar 12 presentation slides.
Webinar 13: Continued Conversations on the Labour Perspective
Date/Time: Monday, May 31th, 2021 @ 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by: CRWDP
- Introduction (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Standard Development Process (Lina Lopez, Project Manager, CSA Group)
- Overview of the Work Disability Management System Standard (Dr. Emile Tompa, Director, CRWDP)
- Panel Discussion: Labour Perspective
- Q-A Session
- Alec Farquhar: Former Director, Office of the Worker Advisor, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
- Tom McKenna: National Representative, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) (BC Regional Office)
Registration is closed.
Video recording of Webinar 13. PDF copy of Webinar 13 presentation slides.
Presentation for the Finnish Stakeholder Meeting: The CSA Z1011:20, Work disability management Standard
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Presented by: Emile Tompa, MBA, PhD
Health and Labour Economist
Director, Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP)
Senior Scientist, Institute for Work & Health
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, McMaster University
Video recording of Presentation for the Finnish Stakeholder Meeting