Notre biblio
Publications des membres du CRPIP
Thèmes :
Études dans le champ du handicap
Formation/accompagnement vers l'emploi des jeunes ayant des incapacités
Expériences d'étudiants ayant des incapacités
Coûts économiques des accidents de travail et de l'incapacité
Expériences d'emploi chez les personnes ayant des incapacités
Aide sociale et soutien à l'emploi
Vers une culture de l'inclusion
Prévention des incapacités liées au travail
Études dans le champ du handicap (Disability studies)
Publications en libre accès:
MacDonald JE, Carter I, Hanes R, Skinner S, McMurphy S. Disability and social work education in the United Kingdom. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 2014. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Galer D. Working towards Equity: Disability Rights, Activism, and Employment in Late Twentieth Century Canada. 2018. 328 pages. For more details and to order:
Galer D. [Review essay] Packing disability into the historian’s toolbox: on the merits of labour histories of disability. Labour/Le Travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies, 2016, 77: 257-262.
Loisel P, Anema J (eds.). Handbook of Work Disability. Springer, 2014. Book chapters include (but are not limited to):
- Coutu M-F. et al. The work-disabled patient (pp. 15-29)
- Tompa E. Measuring the burden of work disability: a review of methods, measurement issues and evidence (pp. 43-58)
- Loisel, P. et al. The work disability paradigm and its public health implications (pp. 59-67)
- MacEachen, E. Understanding work disability systems and intervening upstream (pp. 217-228)
- Durand, M-J. et al. Tools for assessing work disability (pp. 229-251)
MacEachen E, Du B, Bartel E, Ekberg K, Tompa E, Kosny A, Petricone I, and Stapleton J. Scoping review of work disability policies and programs. International Journal of Disability Management. 2017; 12(e1):1-11.
Formation/accompagnement vers l'emploi des jeunes ayant des incapacités
Publications en libre accès:
Provencher Y. Jeunes à l’aide sociale et mesure de formation. Le discours des agents d’aide sociale. Observatoire jeunes et société, 2016, 13(2): 9-11. [Open Access]
Provencher Y, Tremblay-Roy J. L’accompagnement vers l’emploi dans les carrefours jeunesse-emploi : la politique d’insertion à l’épreuve du terrain. Regards sur le travail, 2013, 9(2): 1-14. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Jetha A, Bowring J, Furrie A, Smith F, and Breslin C. Supporting the transition into employment: a study of Canadian young adults living with disabilities. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2018; [epub ahead of print]. [Supported by CRWDP Seed Grant funding]
Pilkington B, Singh M, Prescod C, Buettgen A. Inclusive mosaic: Promoting diversity in nursing through youth mentorship. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 2013, 10(1): 1-10. DOI:
Expériences d'étudiants ayant des incapacités
Publications en libre accès:
Markoulakis R, Kirsh B. Difficulties for university students with mental health problems: A critical interpretive synthesis. The Review of Higher Education, 2013, 37(1): 77-100. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Bulk L. Disability and disclosure: A student perspective. Occupational Therapy Now, 2015, 17(6): 18-19
Easterbrook A, Bulk L, Ghanouni P, Lee M, Opini B, Roberts E, Parhar G, Jarus T. The legitimization process of students with disabilities in health and human service educational programs in Canada. Disability and Society, 2015, 10(30) : 1505-1520. DOI:
Kirsh B, Friedland J, Cho S, Gobalasundaranathan N, Orfus S, Salkovitch M, Snider K, Webber C. Experiences of university students living with mental health problems: Interrelations of the self, the social, and the school. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 2015, 53(2): 325-335. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-152153
Coûts économiques des accidents de travail et de l'incapacité
Publications en libre accès:
Richards A, with interviews conducted and compiled by Sara Penny, with the editorial assistance of Jennefer Laidley, Terry Copes, Steve Mantis and John McKinnon. Where did they go? Scoping the ability to track social assistance outcomes for injured workers. November 2017. Access the report.
Tompa E. Navigating work disability paradigms and reform in Canada. International Journal of Disability Management, 2014, 9: e13. [Open Access]
Tompa E. The impact of work injury and permanent impairment on the probability of poverty. International Journal of Disability Management, 2014, 9: e22. [Open Access]
Tompa E. Work disability trajectories under three workers’ compensation programs. International Journal of Disability Management, 2014, 9: e60. [Open Access]
Tompa E, Scott-Marshall H. 2013. Work, Well-being and Wealth: The Indirect Cost of Socioeconomic Health Inequalities for Canadian Society. Final Report for the Social Determinants and Science Integration Directorate, Public Health Agency of Canada. pp. 1-77. Access the report
Tompa E, Scott-Marshall H, Fang M. 2010. Indirect Health Costs by Income Level in Canada: A Methodological Framework for the Estimation of the Indirect Cost of Health Inequalities Associated with Socioeconomic Status. Final Report for the Social Determinants and Science Integration Directorate, Public Health Agency of Canada. pp. 1-52. Access the report
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Hall, A., Ricciardelli, R., Sitter, K., Simas-Medeiros, D., deBoer, C., & Small, S. (2019). Occupational Stress Injuries in Two Atlantic Provinces: A Policy Analysis. Canadian Public Policy. 44(4): 384-399. DOI: /10.3138/cpp.2017-071
Lippel K, Eakin J, Holness L, Howse D. The structure and process of workers’ compensation systems and the role of doctors: a comparison of Ontario and Québec. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2016, 59(11): 1070-1086.
Expériences d'emploi chez les personnes ayant des incapacités
Publications en libre accès:
Bonaccio S, Connelly CE, Gellatly IR, Jetha A, and Martin Ginis KA. The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology. 2019; [epub ahead of print]. [Open Access]
Garcia V, Faleschini S, Porlier S, Boucher N. The meaning and importance attributed to work for visually impaired people of the metropolitan area of Quebec. The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research, 2016, 6(2): 1-19. [Open Access]
Oldfield M, Gewurtz R, Tompa E, Harlos K, Kirsh B, Lysaght R, MacDougall A, Moll S, Rueda S, Sultan-Taïeb H. Improving Workplaces to Enable People Living with Mental Illness to Stay in their Jobs. OOHNA journal, Spring/Summer 2018, Volume 37(1), p.46-49. [Open Access]
Small S, de Boer C, Swab M. Perceived barriers to and facilitators of labor market engagement for individuals with chronic physical illness in their experience with disability policy: A systematic review of qualitative evidence protocol. BI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 2015, 13(12): 59-69. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Breslin FC, Morgan A, Jetha A, and Smith P. Examining occupational health and safety vulnerability among Canadian workers with disabilities. Disability & Rehabilitation. 2017; [epub ahead of print]. Access the abstract
Gewurtz R, Langan S, & Shand D. Hiring people with disabilities: A scoping review. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 2016, 54(1):135-148. [Open Access]
Gewurtz R, Cott C, Rush B, & Kirsh B. How is unemployment among people with mental illness conceptualized within social policy? A case study of the Ontario Disability Support Program, 2015. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. 51(1): 121-133.
Illman S, Spence S, O’Campo P, Kirsh B. Exploring the occupations of homeless adults living with mental illnesses in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2013, 80(4): 215-223. DOI: 10.1177/0008417413506555
Krupa T, Howell-Moneta A, Lysaght R, Kirsh B. Employer perceptions of the employability of workers in a social business. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 2016, 39(2): 120-128.
Oldfield M, MacEachen E, Kirsh B, and MacNeill M. Helping employees with fibromyalgia manage their reputations through disclosure dances. OOHNA Journal. 2017; (Spring/Summer)28-33.
Oldfield M, MacEachen E, MacNeill M, and Kirsh B. 'You want to show you're a valuable employee': a critical discourse analysis of multi-perspective portrayals of employed women with fibromyalgia. Chronic Illness. 2017; [epub ahead of print].
Oldfield M, MacEachen E, Kirsh B, MacNeill M. Impromptu everyday disclosure dances: how women with fibromyalgia respond to disclosure risks at work. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016, 38(15): 1442-1453. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1103794
Padkapayeva K, Posen A, Yazdani A, Buettgen A, Mahood Q, Tompa E. Workplace accommodations for persons with physical disabilities: Evidence synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016.
Stergiou-Kita M, Pritlove C, van Eerd D, Holness L, Kirsh B, Duncan A, Jones J. The provision of workplace accommodations following cancer: survivor, provider, and employer perspectives. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 2016, 10(3): 489-504. DOI: 10.1007/s11764-015-0492-5
Retour au travail
Publications en libre accès:
Vu U, Moser C. Strategy and Standard: Two recent developments in disability and work. OOHNA Journal | Spring/Summer 2020. Volume 39(1), p.13-16.
Horppu R, Martimo KP, Viikari-Juntura E, Lallukka T, MacEachen E. Occupational physicians' reasoning about recommending early return to work with work modifications. PLOS One, 2016,11(1): e0158588. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D, Durand MJ. Exploration of return-to-wok interventions for breast cancer patient a scoping review. Support Care Cancer, 2017.
Choudhary S, Viner S, Kirsh B. How do occupational therapists assess work readiness among mental health consumers? 2015. OT in Mental Health. 31(3): 266-282.
Colantonio A, Salehi S, Kristman V, Cassidy JD, Carter A, Vartanian O, Bayley M, Kirsh B, Hebert D, Lewko J, Kubrak O, Mantis S, Vernich L. Return to work after work-related traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 2016, 39: 389–399. DOI: 10.3233/NRE-161370.
Corbiere M, Negrini A, Durand MJ, St-Arnaud L, Briand C, Fassier JB. Development of the return-to-work obstacles and self-efficacy scale (ROSES) and validation with workers suffering from a common mental disorder or musculoskeletal disorder. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2016.
Dunstan D, MacEachen E. Workplace managers’ view of the role of co-workers in work reintegration. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016, 38 (23): 2324-3.
Dunstan D, Mortelmans K, Tjulin A, MacEachen E. The role of co-workers in the return-to-work process. International Journal of Disability Management, 2015, 10(e2): 1-7.
Durand MJ, Coutu MF, Nastasia I, Bernier M. Practices of return-to-work coordinators working in large organizations. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2016, 27(1): 137-147.
Durand MJ, Corbière M, Coutu MF, Reinharz D, Albert V. A review of best work-absence management and return-to-work practices for workers with musculoskeletal or common mental disorders. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2014, 48(4), 579-589,
Kosny A, Newnam S, Collie A. Family matters: compensable injury and the effect on family. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2017.
Mansfield E, Stergiou-Kita M, Cassidy JD, Bayley M, Mantis S, Kristman V, Kirsh B, Gomez M, Jeschke M, Vartanian O, Moody J, Colantonio A. Return to work challenges following a work-related mild TBI: The injured worker perspective. Brain Injury, 2015, 29(11): 1362-1369. DOI: 10.3109/02699052.2015.1053524
Saunders SL, MacEachen E, Nedelec B. Understanding and building upon effort to return to work by the long-term work disabled and unemployed. Work, 2015, 52(1): 103-114.
Seing I, MacEachen E, Stahl C, Ekberg C. Early-return-to-work in the context of an intensification of working life and changing employment relationships. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2015, 25(1): 74-85.
Seing I, MacEachen E, Ekberg K, Stahl C. Return to work or job transition? Employer dilemmas in taking social responsibility for return to work in local workplace practice. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2014, 37(19): 1760-1769.
Stergiou-Kita M, Mansfield E, Bayley M, Cassidy D, Colantonio A, Gomez M, Jeschke M, Kirsh B, Kristman V, Moody J, Vartanian O. Returning to work following electrical injuries: Workers' perspectives and advice to others. Journal of Burn Care Research, 2014, 35(6): 498-507. DOI: 10.1097/BCR.0000000000000041
Aide sociale et soutien à l'emploi
Publications en libre accès:
Adele Furrie Consulting Inc.: Labour Market and Income Support Programs in Canada for Persons with Disabilities (2nd Edition) July 2011. [Open Access]
Gewurtz R. Cancelling Basic Income is cancelling hope. Social assistance has lacked social innovation for 50 years. Hamilton Spectator, Sept 28, 2018. Available at: [Open Access]
Provencher Y, Lépine R, Ivers H. Participation des personnes assistées sociales à la mesure de formation de la main d'oeuvre: caractéristiques et résultats de fin de participation. Revue canadienne de politique sociale, 2016, 74(40-81). [Open Access]
Provencher Y, Turcotte D. L’aide à l’insertion professionnelle des personnes inscrites à l’assistance sociale au Québec : Tendances de la participation à la mesure de formation de la main d’œuvre 2005-2011. Service Social, 2015, 60(2): 53-70. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Galer D. I make 40 cents an hour. What do you make? Labour Militancy at CNIB Sheltered Workshops, 1966-1984. Left History, 2016, 19(2): 61-78. Access the article.
Gewurtz R, Rush B, Cott C, Kirsh B. How does outcome-based funding affect service delivery? An analysis of consequences within employment services for people living mental illnesses. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2015, 42(1): 19-28. DOI: 10.1007/s10488-014-0534-8
Gewurtz R, Cott C, Rush B, Kirsh B. The shift to rapid job placement for people living with mental illness: An analysis of consequences. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 2013, 35(6): 428-34. DOI: 10.1037/h0094575
Kirsh B. Client, contextual and program elements influencing supported employment: A literature review. Community Mental Health Journal, 2016, 52(7): 809-820. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-015-9936-7
Lahey, P. M., Tompa, E., MacDermid, J. C., Kirsh, B. and Gewurtz, R.E. (2017) Placing health in welfare policy: A HiaP approach in Ontario Canada. Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale, Issue 77, Summer/Fall 2017, pp 67-95. Access the article
Vers une culture de l'inclusion
Publications en libre accès:
Breen JS. The exoskeleton generation - disability redux. Disability & Society, 2015, 15(3): 348-361. [Open Access]
Bulk L. Attitudinal impacts on employment of persons with disabilities: A brief review of literature. Health Professional Student Journal, 2015, 1(1). [Open Access]
Stefanovic-Chafe A. Disability and Civic Engagement in Newfoundland and Labrador. Chapter 45 in "The Democracy Cookbook". [Open Access]
Stuart H, Chen S, Christie R, Dobson K, Kirsh B, Knaak S, Koller M, Krupa T, Lauria-Horner B, Luong D, Modgill G, Patten S, Pietrus M, Whitley R, Szeto A. Opening minds in Canada: Background and rationale. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2014, 59 (10 Suppl 1): S8-S12. [Open Access]
Stuart H, Chen S, Christie R, Dobson K, Kirsh B, Knaak S, Koller M, Krupa T, Lauria-Horner B, Luong D, Modgill G, Patten S, Pietrus M, Whitley R, Szeto A. Opening minds in Canada: Targeting change. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2014, 59 (10 Suppl 1): S13-18. [Open Access]
Waxman D. Employing persons with disabilities: A model of successful corporate culture change. Report prepared for Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI), November 24, 2015. Access the report summary. Access the full report.
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Fougeyrollas F, Boucher N, Charrier F. Un modele a l'epreuve du temps: le point sur le Modèle de développement humain et du Processus de production du handicap (MDH-PPH 2). Revue CNRIS, 2016, 8(1): 6-13
Waxman D, (2017), Model of Successful Corporate Culture Change Integrating Employees with Disabilities, in Barbara M. Altman (ed.) Factors in Studying Employment for Persons with Disability (Research in Social Science and Disability, Volume 10) Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017, pp.155 - 180.
Prévention des incapacités liées au travail
Publications en libre accès:
Sylvain C, Durand MJ, Maillette P, Lamothe L. How do general practitioners contribute to preventing long-term work disability of their patients suffering from depressive disorders? A qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 2016, 17(1):71. [Open Access]
Williams-Whitt K, White MI, Wagner SL, Schultz IZ, Koehn C, Dionne CE, Koehoorn M, Harder HG, Pasca R, Warje O, Hsu V, McGuire L, Schulz W, Kube D, Hook A, Wright MD. Job demands and control interventions: a stakeholder-centered best-evidence synthesis of systematic reviews on workplace disability. International Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2015, 6(2): 61-78. [Open Access]
Publications accessibles avec abonnement:
Fassier JB, Durand MJ, Caillard JF, Roquelaure Y, Loisel P. Results of a feasibility study: barriers and facilitators in implementing the Sherbrooke model in France. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2015, 41 (3), 223-233.
Gaudreault N, Maillette P, Coutu MF, Durand MJ, Hagemeister N, Hébert L. Work disability among workers with osteoarthritis of the knee: risks factors, assessment scales and interventions. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2014, 37(4), 290-296.
Labrecque ME, Coutu MF, Durand MJ, Fassier JB, Loisel P. Using cartoon to transfer knowledge concerning the principles of work disability prevention among stakeholders. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2016, 26(2):141-149.
Ståhl K, MacEachen E, Lippel K. Ethical perspectives in work disability prevention and return to work: toward a common vocabulary for analyzing stakeholders' actions and interactions. Journal of Business Ethics, 2014, 120(2): 237-250.