Roy Hanes

Why Dr. Hanes joined the CRWDP?
Professor Hanes has been working with and for people with disabilities for the past 33 years and employment of people with disabilities has always been an area of concern for Dr. Hanes. He hopes that by working with likeminded people through the CRWDP that the underemployment of Canadians with disabilities can be addressed through research, policy development and advocacy.
Key Appointments
- Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Carleton University
- Founding member of the Canadian Disability Studies Association
- Member of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (Social Policy Committee)
- Past Executive member of the Canadian Centre for Disability Studies
- Past Board member of the Ottawa Independent Living Resource Centre
- Founding member of the Committee On Disability and Abuse Ottawa
- Recipient of the Tanis Doe Memorial Award for Canadian Disability Study and Culture, Faculty of Public Affairs Teaching Award, the Celebration of People Education Award and a Carleton University Students’ Association Teaching Excellence Award.
- PhD, (McGill)
Areas of expertise
Prof. Hanes began his social work career as the senior social worker on the Spinal Cord Injury Unit at the Royal Ottawa Hospital in 1980. Although his primary social work focus was providing individual, marital and family counseling to people with spinal cord injuries Roy was involved with inpatient groups, outpatient groups and family educational and support groups. In addition to his work at the rehabilitation centre Roy became involved in community organizing with people with disabilities and he is a founding member of the Ottawa Carleton Independent Living Centre. During his 18 years at Carleton University Roy has been a member of most committees which deal with the needs of students with disabilities. In short, Roy has 30 years of experience and expertise working in various capacities with people with disabilities. (practitioner, community organizer, teacher, researcher, volunteer, advocate.)
Research Activities
At the university level, Roy developed and taught the first critical disability theories course offered at Carleton University and in fact it was the first such disability related course taught in schools of social work in Canada. Roy applied his community organizing skills at Carleton University and he developed the first persons with disabilities caucus in a school of social work in Canada and he went onto help establish the Persons with Disabilities Caucus within the Canadian Association School of Social Work. During his academic career he has taught disability focused courses at the BSW and the MSW levels and he has supervised disability related honours essays, independent studies, MSW thesis, and he has supervised disability studies research at the PhD level. Roy has carried out research in the areas of disability history, disability and immigration, disability and employment, and disability supports. In addition, he was involved in a research project which explored accessibility, accommodation and supports within schools of Social Work across Canada.
Chapters in Books
2010 Roy Hanes “Social Work and Persons with Disabilities” in Steve Hick. Social Work in Jan. Canada: An Introduction. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing. Third Edition.
Articles in refereed Journals
2012 Carter, Irene, Roy Hanes, Judy MacDonald “The Inaccessible Road Not Taken: The Trials, Tribulations and Successes of the Persons with Disabilities in Social Work Post Secondary Education” The Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. Vol. 1 No.1, p.109- 142
2010 Roy Hanes “ None is Still Too Many: An Historical Exploration of Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Legislation As It Pertains to People with Disabilities. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, Volume 37, Number 1 & 2, Nov.
2008 Donald Leslie, Roy Hanes, Peter Dunn and Judy MacDonald. Disability Related Best Practices in Promoting Disability Inclusion Within Canadian Schools of Social Work. Disability Studies Quarterly, Winter
2006 Dunn, Peter, Roy Hanes, Susan Hardie and Judy MacDonald. "Creating Disability Inclusion Within Canadian Schools of Social Work". Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 5(1), 1 - 19.
1995 Roy Hanes, Ph.D. "Linking Mental Defect to Physical Disability: The Case of Crippled Children in Ontario, 1890- 1940. "Journal on Developmental Disability"4 (1) Nov. 1995.
Chapters in Edited Books.
2009 Roy Hanes “Independent Living Centres: An Example of Non Government Organizations for People with Disabilities in Canada” in NGOS and Community Development. Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press.
2002 Roy Hanes and Allan Moscovitch (2002). “Disability Supports and Services for People with Disabilities in the Social Union” in Allen Puttee. Federalism, Democracy and Disability Policy in Canada. Institute of Intergovernmental Affairs, School of Policy Studies, Queens University. McGill – Queens University Press.
Published Conference Proceedings
2010 Roy Hanes, Judy MacDonald, PhD. and Irene Carter, PhD. “The Inaccessible Road Not Taken: The Trials, Tribulations and Successes of the Persons with Disabilities Caucus of the Council for Social Work Education in Canada.” Association of Higher Education and Disability. University of Innsbruck, Austria
2001 Roy Hanes “Consumer Control of Support Services: Home to Work and Back Again.” Human Resources Development Canada, Ottawa. A National Forum on Disability Research related ideas. Conference Proceedings, edited by Social Research Demonstration Corporation, Ottawa.
1994 A Discussion of the Politics of Disablement Within the Context of Professional and Consumer Relations" Proceedings from the Consumer-Researcher Forum, Hull, Quebec. Facilitating Collaborative Research Between Consumers and Researchers. Prepared for Human Resources Development Canada by The Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Development: The Rehabilitation Centre, Ottawa.
2011 Roy Hanes, Karen March and Larry McLoskey Carleton University, Innovation Forum Award, $25,000.00
1994 GR 6 Grant of $ 3,000 to carry out a preliminary study of services for visible minority persons with disabilities in Canada.
1993 $ 26,600 Grant from the Secretary of State of Canada, Disabled Persons Participation Program to establish a Persons with Disabilities Caucus within the framework of the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work.
1993 Received grant with Steve Hick, Ph.D.($11,000) from the Department of Health and Welfare Canada to begin preliminary study of Curriculum Development in Canadian Schools of Social Work regarding people with disabilities. "Disability Studies in Canadian University Social Work Education”
1987 Coordinator of Research Proposal to Secretary of State for Disabled Persons to carry out a needs survey and hire coordinator in the Ottawa/Carleton Region to determine need for Independent Living Center.($30,000 grant obtained)
2013 Roy Hanes, Dora Tam, Siu Ming Kwok, Awarded Research Grant to Examine Income Security Programs for People with Disabilities in Liaoning Province, People’s Republic of China.
2010 Roy Hanes, Saul Schwartz and Nancy Werk Educational Experiences and Outcomes of Children, 2011 Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities. Human Resources Skills Development Canada. $43,000.00
2007 Roy Hanes and Mark Totten, PhD. Youth Social Network: for the Department of Youth 2009 Policy of the Yamal/ Nenets Region, Siberia, Russia.
2004 Roy Hanes Social Work and Persons with Disabilities Course taught in universities in Moscow and Omsk, Russia
2002 Roy Hanes, Colin Stuart “Participant and Administrator Responses” to the Disability Supports Feasibility Study for the Social Research Demonstration Corporation. Research carried out in Ottawa and Vancouver.
2001 Roy Hanes and Therese Jennissen. Roundtable Workshop Ideas for People with Disabilities, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, Ottawa.
2001 Employment Ideas for People with Disabilities. Technical Report for Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, Ottawa.