Michel Grignon

Key Appointments
- Associate Professor, Department of Health, Aging, & Society, Department of Economics / Professeur agrégé au département d’Économie et au département Santé, vieillissement et société de l’Université McMaster
- Director, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)
- Associate Scientist/Chercheur associé, Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Èconomie de la Santé (IRDES) de Paris
- PhD, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Economic History, 1993
- MA, École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique, 1986
Areas of expertise
Grignon’s research focuses on the financing and funding of health care, determinants of health and health inequalities, and equity in health systems. He has extensive experience at an international level in research projects and activities in the areas of health economics, health-related policies, health insurance and aging and international comparisons of health care systems. He is also involved in research examining inequities in health care utilization and health policy in Canada, as well as exploring equity and efficiency by using experimental economic methods for financing health care.
Il possède une vaste expérience internationale en matière de projets et d’activités de recherche en économie de la santé, en politiques de la santé, en assurance de la santé et en vieillissement.
Research Activities
- Population aging and health care expenditures: This CIHR grant (Pilot Project Grants, 33481) is aimed at identifying, describing, and assessing the quality of datasets to be used in the analysis of changes over time and across institutional environments in the age profile of health care expenditures.
- Aging and sickness leaves: Using panel data in Canada, France and the United Kingdom, the objective is to evaluate the impact of labour market institutions on the link between age and absenteeism.
- Investigation of preferences and choices in health care financing and resources allocation in Canada using experimental economics: CIHR grant, NET, J. Hurley Principal Investigator.
- Equity in health care use and health policy: we measure equity on individual level data in different policy environments and interpret differences using a systematic body of knowledge on health care policies in these environments (economics and political science). Dr. Grignon has published peer reviewed articles in economics and policy journals.
- Ses recherches actuelles portent sur une palette étendue de sujets, dont l’impact d’une société vieillissante sur les dépenses en soins de santé au Canada et en France. Il contribue aussi aux recherches sur les iniquités dans l’utilisation des soins de santé et les politiques en santé du Canada, en plus de s’intéresser à l’équité et à l’efficacité par l’application de méthodes économiques expérimentales au financement des soins de santé.