Lynn Shaw

“My goals are to advance the knowledge between policy science and occupational science that can lead to improved opportunities for participation in valued and meaningful productive work occupations for persons with disabilities and persons who experience work disparities.”
Key Appointments
- Associate Professor, faculty scholar in the School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Western Ontario
- Dr. Lynn was awarded the 2014 Townsend Polatajko Lectureship and will deliver her lecture at the International Conference of Occupational Science in Minneapolis Minnesota in October 2014
- President of the Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists, an interprofessional member of the Canadian Chiropractic Clinical Guideline Development Team
- Research Advisor for the Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
- On the editorial board of the journal WORK
- Column editor on Knowledge Transfer: Making information work and Narratives on Work Transitions
- Cross Appointment Associate Member - University of Toronto, Rehabilitation Science
- Stellenbosch University - Graduate Supervisor
- BScOT, MSc, PhD (Western University)
Areas of expertise
Dr. Lynn is an Occupational Scientist who does research on persons experiencing work disparities, enabling work participation for persons with disabilities and on strategies that achieve occupational justice. Her work on the study of occupational transitions, return to work, assessment of work demands and environments and client-centered ergonomics is integral to advancing knowledge in this area. In addition Dr. Lynn is an AUTO21 researcher with a focus on enabling seniors or older adults to engage in safe driving and transportation.
Research and Related Activities
Her research activities have focused on return to work, workplace health, accessibility, ergonomics, wellbeing and enabling consumer participation and occupational transitions to support community and full participation of persons in society. Dr. Lynn has over 70 peer reviewed articles and 7 book chapters and has conducted over 149 national and international presentations at conferences. She is passionate about advancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities, youth, vulnerable populations, older workers in meaningful productive community occupations as well as occupational justice. Her research interests also include evaluating system and policy barriers to employment for persons with work disparities as well as evaluating hearing accessibility, cognitive and behavioural demands, and social, cultural, and political influences in the workplace.
Publications related to CRWDP
Shaw, L., MacDermid, J., Daraz, L. Challenges and opportunities in Knowledge Transfer by informal and formal knowledge brokers that support persons with chronic pain. In Knowledge Transfer: Practices, Types and Challenges. Editor Ilic, D. NOVA.2012 (85%)
Urbanowski, R. Shaw, L. Chelagat Chemmuttut, L. (2013) Occupational Science Value Propositions in the field of Public Policy. Journal of Occupational Science. DOI: 10.1080/14427591.2013.806208 (40%)
Shaw, L. (2013). Are we ready to address the new expectations of work and workers in the transforming world of work? WORK 44, 2-9. DOI 10.3233/WOR-2012-1582.
L. Antao, L. Shaw, K. Ollson, K. Reen, F.To, A. Bossers, L. Cooper, (2013). Chronic Pain and episodic illness and its effects on occupation. WORK 44, 11-36.DOI 10.3233/wor-2012-01559 (25%)
M. Bryson-Campbell, & L. Shaw, Magalhaes, L., Holmes, J. O’Brien. (2013) Occupational Identity after a Brain Injury. WORK 44. 57-67. DOI 10.3233/WOR-2012-1561.
Lilian Antao, Kaitlyn Ollson, Flora To-Miles, Ann Bossers, Lynn Cooper, Shaw, L.. Bridging the Gap: Managing Work Transitions with Persons Suffering from Chronic Pain. OT Now, 14.5, 25-27.
Shaw, L. et al. (2012) Directions for advancing the study of work transitions in the 21st century. WORK, 41, 369-377: doi: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1438
Shaw, L., Shaw, N., and CIWA Board 2010. (2010)(2012). Work Transition Tips: Helping workers get the right information at the right time. Canadian Injured Workers Alliance. Issue mini4-2010, 1-2. Republished in WORK, 41, 483-484: doi: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1424.
Shaw, L. (2011). Knowledge transfer in work practice: Challenging the status quo to meet the needs of end users. WORK, 40, (3) 337-341. Dec
Shaw, L., McDermid, J., Kothari, A., Lindsay, R., Brake, P., Page, P., Argyle, C., Gagnon, C., and Knott, M. (2010).Knowledge brokering with injured workers: Perspectives of injured worker groups and health care professionals. WORK. 36 (1) 89-101.
Shaw, L., Pye, K., and Dodman, J. (2009) Client insights on knowledge use and access in return to work. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76 (5) 359-367.
Shaw, L., Knott, M., Lindsay, R., Brake, P., Page P., Argyle, C., MacDermid, J., and Kothari, A. (2009) Opening doors to information for injured workers through knowledge exchange and research with consumer community groups. Occupational Therapy Now, July/August 11, 23-26.
Shaw, L., MacAhonic, P., Lindsay, R. and Brake, P. (2009). Evaluating the support needs of injured workers in managing occupational transitions after injury. WORK, 32. (4), 477-490. (75%)
Shaw, L., Southcott, C., and Townsend, E. (2009). A community panel on occupations to consider economic opportunities outside major urban centres. Journal of Occupational Science, 16. (1), 12-17. (35%)
Arnold, C., Shaw, L., and Landry, G. (2009). Using metaphors to study occupational transitions: A case study of an injured worker with multiple chemical sensitivity, WORK, 32 (4), 467-476. (35%)
Fok, D., Shaw, L., Jennings, M., and Cheesman, M. (2009). Towards a comprehensive approach for managing transitions of older workers with hearing loss. WORK, 32 (4), 365-376.
Shaw, L., Domanski, S., Hoffle, C., and Freeman, A. (2008). An evaluation of a workplace rehabilitation program for the management of shoulder injuries. WORK, 30, 267-276. (50%)
Korzycki, M., Korzycki, M., and Shaw, L. (2008). Left behind in the return-to-work journey: Consumer insights for policy change and practice strategies. WORK, 30, 277-288.
Relevant Grants:
Project Title: Literature review on hiring persons with disabilities
Principal Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: HRSDC-ODI
Amount: $18,000
Funding Period: 2013
Status: Grant currently in operation
Project Title: Income security and labour-market engagement Envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada
Co- Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: SSHRC-Partners Grant
Amount: $2.76M for 7 years
Funding Period: 2013
Status: Grant currently in operation
Project Title: Income security and labour-market engagement Envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada
Co- Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: SSHRC- LOI
Amount: $20,000
Funding Period: 2012
Project Title: Development of a collaborative method and international approach to study work transitions for persons with episodic illness
Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: UWO
Amount: $7,000
Funding Period: 2011-2012
Project Title: Learning with First Nations youth: A Photovoice study addressing visions of education and work success
Co-Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: SSHRC
Amount: $25,000
Funding Period: 2009-2010
Project Title: Work transitions in the 21st century: Advancing occupational justice
Investigator: Lynn Shaw
Funding Agency: SSHRC
Amount: $30,000
Funding Period: 2009