Ressources sur les politiques en matière d’invalidité professionnelle
Resources and information on Canadian federal and provincial policies, programs and strategies related to the employment of persons with disabilities
- Canadian Accessibility Network. Carleton University is establishing the Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN) to lead a national partnership in advancing accessibility for persons with disabilities through Research, Design and Innovation, Education and Training, Policy, Employment, and Community Engagement.
- Accessibility in Ontario: information for businesses. This webpage, published by the Government of Ontario, includes accessibility resources and guides for businesses and organizations.
- La Stratégie nationale pour l’intégration et le maintien en emploi des personnes handicapées 2019-2024
- Stratégie nationale sur la main-d’œuvre 2018-2023. This strategy was launched on May 24, 2018. It includes "MESURE 19 :Favoriser l’intégration des personnes handicapées au marché du travail" Access the strategy document.
- Bill n°173 : An Act mainly to introduce a basic income for persons with a severely limited capacity for employment. Access the bill.
New Brunswick
Premier's Council on Disabilities / Conseil du Premier ministre pour les personnes handicapées. A directory of services and programs for persons with disabilities, which are offered by community groups and government agencies, including on career counseling, job placement and training opportunities, is available on the website of Premier’s Council on Disabilities, New Brunswick.