2019 Ontario Cluster Meeting
19 November 2019
The CRWDP ON Cluster Meeting will be held on November 19th, 2019 at the Friend’s House (60 Lowther Avenue Toronto Ontario M5R 1C7). Time: 9:30-4:00pm
The objective of the meeting is to identify intersecting policy challenges to work and disability, discuss recommendations on moving forward with the Disability & Work in Canada Strategy, and provide recommendations to bring forward from the Ontario Cluster to the National Meeting to be held in Ottawa.
Click here to open the draft agenda for the meeting.
Thank you to those who have already confirmed your attendance. Please RSVP to Rachael Dempsey at dempseyr@yorku.ca at your earliest convenience.
Please RSVP to Rachael Dempsey at dempseyr@yorku.ca at your earliest convenience.