Edwin Ng


Edwin Ng earned his BSW and MSW degrees from the Universities of Windsor and Toronto, respectively. He completed his PhD in Social Science and Health in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (2013). His doctoral work used pooled time-series cross-sectional data to explore the interrelationships of provincial welfare generosity (e.g., health, social service, and education expenditures), power resources (e.g., union density and left political parties), political parties (e.g., centre- and right-wing political parties), democratic politics (e.g., voting turnout and women in government), and population health. His other research interests include the Neo-Marxian concept of social class – advancing exploitation and domination as relational determinants of health inequalities, and welfare state regimes – exploring interrelationships among global welfare clusters, social inequalities, and population health. He is currently an ACHIEVE post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health (CRICH), St. Michael’s Hospital. Dr. Patricia O’Campo serves as his mentor at CRICH as well as at the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy.