Tammy Bernasky
Student Fellow; CRWDP Ontario Cluster Coordinator (Interim)

Tammy Bernasky holds a Master’s in Critical Disability Studies from York University and a Master’s in Political Science from Dalhousie University. She is currently a PhD student in Critical Disability Studies at York University where her research is focused on issues of self-perception, violence and economic oppression of women with disabilities. In addition to over tens years of experience working in community and international development, Tammy completed a Summer School on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the University of Ireland, Galway, participated as a resource person for the Gender Disability and Development Institute at Mobility International USA, and contributed to a World Health Organization project on the Community Based Rehabilitation Guidelines. She has also volunteered with disability rights organizations in Nova Scotia. Tammy will be working with CRWDP to research right to work as well as employment and income support policies affecting women with disabilities. Tammy is also the Interim CRWDP Ontario Cluster Coordinator.