Canadian Injured Workers Alliance

The Canadian Injured Workers Alliance (CIWA) is a national network of injured workers groups that aims to support and strengthen the work of local, provincial, and territorial injured workers organizations. We provide a forum for injured workers to exchange information and sharing experiences. We exist to support injured workers and improve the Occupational Health and Safety of workers across Canada.
Our objectives:
- To work toward a just system of compensation, rehabilitation and re-employment in all provinces and territories of Canada.
- To provide a national forum for debating issues of concern to injured workers and their organizations at national conferences and at national board workshops (as funding allows).
- To gather and share information with groups and individuals across Canada.
- To improve the occupational health and safety of workers in Canada.
- To identify appropriate educational & training resources and to make these resources available upon request to provincial and local injured workers groups.
- To design all of our activities in such a way as to enhance the local and provincial/territorial base of the injured workers movement.
- To liaise with organizations that represent persons with disabilities and organizations who represent workers, to achieve a common goal.
CIWA continues to follow its mandate to work with injured workers and injured workers groups to form provincial and territorial organizations in all provinces and territories in Canada.
We know there are local injured workers groups in most provinces and territories. CIWA would like to assist these local groups to form one organization to represent injured workers, lobby governments and undertake activities on behalf of all injured workers in their province or territory.
“CIWA has joined CRWDP to be part of a broader network of organizations and individuals who are involved in discussions and research on issues related to work disability and return to work policies.”
Contact Information
Telephone Toll-free:1-877-787-7010
CRWDP Contact:William Chedore
CRWDP Contact Email: